Course curriculum

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • Overview

    • Entrepreneur Handbook

    • StartBook Verses

    • Join the Facebook Group!

  • 2


    • Finding Your Identity

    • Finding your Identity Quiz

    • Finding Where your Skills and Passions Align

    • How does your business fit with your Life Plan?

    • Finding Unique Solutions

    • Finding Unique Solution Quiz

    • Reduce risk through research

    • Produce Efficiently

  • 3


    • Treat People With Dignity

    • Treat People With Dignity Quiz

    • Peers and Mentors

    • Partners and Employees

  • 4


    • Money - Savings or Loans

    • Money - Savings or Loans Quiz

    • Money - Cash flow

    • Money - Cash flow Quiz

    • Money - Pricing for profit

    • Money - Pricing for Profit Quiz

    • Money - Paying Yourself and Giving Back

  • 5


    • Launch - Smart Location & the Right Tools

    • Launch - Comply with legal Requirements

    • Launch - Comply with Legal Requirements Quiz

    • Launch - Learning from a Soft Launch

    • Launch - Learning From A Soft Launch Quiz

  • 6


    • Customer - Ideal Customer

    • Customer- Ideal Customer Quiz

    • Customer - Marketing Message

    • Customer - Marketing Message Quiz

    • Customer - Growing Sales

    • Customer - Growing Sales Quiz

    • Benefits of an Extraordinary Customer Experience