Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Steve Blank Introduction

    • Business Model Canvas Overview

    • Optional Reading

  • 2

    What we now know

    • What is a Business Model?

    • Steve Blank - What we now know about starting a business

    • History of a Modern Corporation

    • Startups are NOT smaller versions of larger companies

    • Introduction to the Business Model Canvas

    • Strategy - How to build a Startup

    • Process - How to Build a Startup

    • How to build a startup quiz

    • Organizational misconceptions

    • How to learn to start a company?

  • 3

    Business Model Canvas

    • What is a Company?

    • Business Model Canvas Overview

    • What is your Value Proposition?

    • Who are your best customers?

    • Channels - How will you distribute your product or service?

    • How will you build high trust relationships with your customers?

    • Revenue Model - How will you charge for your solution?

    • Resources - What are the key people, equipment or assets you need?

    • Partners - Who are your key partners?

    • Key Activities - Where is your focus?

    • Costs - How much will you spend each month to wow your customers?

    • It's all guess until there's data to back it up

    • Complete your Lean Canvas

  • 4

    Customer Development

    • Steve Blank - Customer Development Process

    • Customer Development done by founders

    • Hypothesis Testing

    • Minimum Viable Product

    • What is a pivot?

    • Step 1 - Customer Discovery

    • Step 2 - Customer Validation

    • Market Opportunity Analysis

    • TAM and SAM

    • How big is your SAM?

  • 5

    Value Propositions

    • Steve Blank - Value Propositions

    • Where Do Product And Market Go

    • Where Do Product And Market Go Solution

    • Relationship Between Value Props

    • Relationship Between Value Prop and Customer Segments

    • Value Proposition and the Minimum Viable Product

    • Customer Archetype

    • Talk to Customers

    • Value Proposition Product

    • Value Proposition Services

    • Pain Killers

    • Problem or Need

    • Pain Killers - Ranking

    • Gain Creators Hypotheses

    • Gain Creators Ranking

    • MVP Physical

    • MVP Virtual

    • MVP

    • Art of the MVP

    • Common Mistakes

    • Value Proposition Questions

    • Tech and Market Insight

    • Tech Insights

    • Value Proposition Examples

  • 6

    Market Types

    • Steve Blank - Market Types

    • Type 1 - Existing Markets

    • Type 2 - Re-segmented Market

    • Type 3 - New Market

    • Type 4 - Clone Market

    • Existing Markets details

    • Re-segmented Markets details

    • New Markets details

    • New Market details 2

    • Clone Market Extended

  • 7


    • Steve Blank - Introduction

    • Distribution Channels Overview

    • Your Product

    • Your Product Solution

    • Web Distribution

    • Physical Distribution

    • Distribution Complexity

    • Direct Channel Fit

    • Indirect Channel Economics

    • OEM Channel Economics

  • 8

    Customer Segments

    • Steve Blank - Product Market Fit

    • What tasks need to be done?

    • How to rank those tasks?

    • What benefits do customers want?

    • What pains do they have?

    • Building a profile of your customers

    • Customers in Context

    • Pass-fail signals in experiments

    • Two-sided markets

    • Life sciences example

    • Assignment - Who is your Ideal Customer?

  • 9

    Customer Relationships

    • Steve Blank - Customer Relationships

    • Customer Archetypes

    • Paid Demand Creation

    • Earned Demand Creation

    • Get Keep and Grow - Physical vs Web

    • Get Customers

    • Viral Loop

    • Get Alternatives

    • Keep Physical

    • Grow Physical

    • Get Web

    • Web Customer Acquisitiion

    • Keep Web

    • Grow Web

    • Customer Lifetime Value

    • Customer relationship quiz

  • 10

    Revenue Model

    • How do you make money?

    • Common Mistakes

    • Revenue Pricing

    • Direct and Ancillary Models

    • Pricing Strategy

    • Common Startup Mistakes

    • Market Types and Pricing

    • Single and Multi-sided Markets

    • Revenue First Companies

    • Market Type and Revenue

    • Draw the Diagram

    • Key Revenue Model Questions

    • Market Size and Share

    • Revenue model quiz

  • 11


    • Steve Blank - Partners

    • Partner Definition

    • Partner Resources

    • Partner Types

    • Greatest Strategic Alliance

    • Joint Business Development

    • Joint Partnerships and Startups

    • Coopetition

    • Key Suppliers

    • Virtual Channels

    • Partner Risks

    • Managing Partner Risks

    • Investments

    • Partner Startup Strategies Summary

    • Partner Quiz

  • 12

    Resources, Activities & Costs

    • Steve Blank - Resources, Activities, Costs

    • Four Critical Resources

    • Financial Resources

    • Human Resources

    • Qualified Employees and Culture

    • Intellectual Property Overview

    • Intellectual Property Detailed

    • Costs

    • Metrics that Matter

    • Resources, key activities and costs quiz

  • 13

    Final Chapter

    • Final Exam