Course curriculum

  • 1

    Intro To Lean Startup

    • All About Pivoting

    • How To Find Product Market Fit by David Rusenko

    • Capture Your Business Model In 20 Minutes

    • Lean Canvas Example

    • Startups Vs Big Companies

    • Intro to Lean Startup Quiz

  • 2

    Achieving Financial Success

    • Introduction To Financial Statements

    • Understanding Financial Statements And Accounting

    • Modern Startup Funding

    • Managing Startup Finances

    • Achieving Financial Success Quiz

  • 3

    TechStars - Understand Your Customers

    • Build What Customers Want

    • Run Empathy Interviews

    • Empathy in Action

    • Prepare for Empathy Interviews

    • Ask Effective Questions

    • Find the Job to be done

    • Understand Your Customers with Experiments

    • Create Customer Demand

    • Customer Interviews Q&A

    • Understand Your Customers Quiz

  • 4

    Become An Expert On Your Customers

    • Rob Fitzpatrick - The Mom Test

    • Context Canvas

    • How To Talk To Users

    • What Is Traction

    • Become an Expert on Your Customers Quiz

  • 5

    Execution Is Everything

    • Scrum Framework

    • Stay Organized

    • Tame Your Inbox

    • Manage Your Tasks

    • Keep A Clear Mind With Tasks At The Centre

    • Keep A Clear Mind With An End Of Day Ritual

    • Enable Team Productivity

    • Bring On Help

    • The W3 Framework

    • Startup Pricing 101

    • Transforming Funnels To Flywheels To Grow Better

    • Execution is Everything Quiz

  • 6

    Building Impactful Relationships

    • How To Prioritize Your Time

    • Introduction: Engage With Mentors

    • Read Your Mentor

    • Redirect Your Mentor

    • Ask Better Questions

    • Build Relationships with Mentors

    • Final Thoughts

    • How To Get The Most Out Of Your Mentor

    • Avoid Cofounder Relationship Fails

    • Get Your House In Order

    • Understand Your Cofounder

    • Set Clear Goals

    • Discuss The Elephant In The Room

    • Build Trust With Your Cofounder

    • Cofounder Conversation Exercise

    • Building Impactful Relationships Quiz

  • 7

    Pitching To Investors

    • Give Your Elevator Pitch

    • Entrepreneurs don't excel at pitching

    • Master Your Pitch - Part 2 - Your Intro

    • Demonstrate What You Sell

    • Master Your Pitch - Part 4 - Assessing Risk

    • Stick The Landing

    • Get Ready To Fundraise

    • Prepare Your Mise En Place

    • Target Your Investors

    • Communicate With Investors

    • Track Investor Communication

    • Evaluate Preemptive Offers

    • How Investors Measure Startups Q&A

    • Pitching To Investors Quiz

  • 8

    Data Driven Success

    • Nine Business Models And Metrics Investors Want

    • 6+ Most Important KPIs And Metrics Every Startup Should Be Measuring

    • How To Turn Instagram Followers Into Paying Customers

    • How To Launch (Again and Again)

    • Data Driven Success Quiz

  • 9

    Customer Relationships (Optional)

    • Steve Blank - Customer Relationships

    • Customer Archetypes

    • Paid Demand Creation

    • Earned Demand Creation

    • Get Keep and Grow - Physical vs Web

    • Get Customers

    • Viral Loop

    • Get Alternatives

    • Keep Physical

    • Grow Physical

    • Get Web

    • Web Customer Acquisitiion

    • Keep Web

    • Grow Web

    • Customer Lifetime Value

    • Customer Relationship Quiz

  • 10

    Revenue Models (Optional)

    • How do you make money?

    • Common Mistakes

    • Revenue Pricing

    • Direct and Ancillary Models

    • Pricing Strategy

    • Common Startup Mistakes

    • Market Types and Pricing

    • Single and Multi-sided Markets

    • Revenue First Companies

    • Market Type and Revenue

    • Draw the Diagram

    • Key Revenue Model Questions

    • Market Size and Share

    • Revenue Model Quiz

  • 11

    TechStars - Category Design (Optional)

    • Become a Category King

    • Manage Your Category Lifecycle

    • Create Category Shortcuts

    • Strategize Your Category Design

    • Look For What's Missing

    • Think Different, Not Just Better

    • Find Your Adjacent Possible

    • Start Your Category Design Anytime

    • Category Designs Quiz

  • 12

    Human Centered Design (optional)

    • What Is Human Centred Design

    • Introduction To Emotional Intelligence

    • Develop Self Awareness

    • Be Present

    • Managing Your Fears

    • Use Flexible Thinking

    • Embrace Feedback

    • Become A Strong Coach

    • Human Centered Design Quiz